var FlickFusionExecuter = function () { "use strict"; var _mediaHostURL = "//", _verifyHostURL = "//", _getRefDomain = window.location.hostname, _displayButtonThumb, _displayButtonDefault, _custom_script_run, _button_image_path, _showSpanishBtn = false, _profilesBag = {}, _filterUnique = {}, _buttonsCount = 0, _buttons_count = document.querySelectorAll('#ff_link').length, _domainName = window.location.hostname, _path = window.location.href, _allowDuplicates = false, siteConfig; window.clientKey = "9DBFA137-6209-204A-EE26-019DE7BEC303"; // json include // js inlcude if (document.referrer) { _getRefDomain = document.referrer; _getRefDomain = _getRefDomain.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1]; if(_getRefDomain == "") _getRefDomain = '' } if(document.querySelector('.hproduct .media .video')){ var existingButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.hproduct .media .video'); [], function(button) { = "none"; }); } (function(history){ var pushState = history.pushState; history.pushState = function(state) { if (typeof history.onpushstate == "function") { history.onpushstate({state: state}); } _filterUnique = {} return pushState.apply(history, arguments); } })(window.history); window.addEventListener('popstate', function(e) { _filterUnique = {} }); var isJsonConfigAdded = siteConfig != null; // var isFFLinkAdded = document.querySelector('#ff_link') != null; var loadJSCSSFile = function (filename, filetype) { var fileref; if (filetype == "js") { fileref = document.createElement("script"); fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); fileref.setAttribute("src", filename); } else if (filetype == "css") { fileref = document.createElement("link"); fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); fileref.setAttribute("href", filename); } if (typeof fileref != "undefined") document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref); }; if(isJsonConfigAdded){ window.siteConfig = siteConfig; loadJSCSSFile("//", "js"); } var loadButtons = function () { var profielsArray = []; if(document.getElementById("ff_link")){ document.querySelectorAll("#ff_link") .forEach(function (buttonData, index, array) { _buttonsCount ++; if (profielsArray.indexOf(buttonData.getAttribute('ff_client')) === -1) profielsArray.push(buttonData.getAttribute('ff_client')); if(_buttonsCount === array.length){ generateProfilesThenButtons(profielsArray); } }); } }; var generateProfilesThenButtons = function (profielsArray) { profielsArray.forEach(function (profileKey, index, profilesArray) { var verifyClientMultiProfile = _verifyHostURL + "ff_verify_client.php?client_id=" + profileKey + "&d="+_domainName+"&p="+ encodeURIComponent(_path)+"&b="+ _buttons_count; fetchJsonp(verifyClientMultiProfile, { timeout: 25000, }).then(function (response) { return response.json(); }).then(function (multiClientDetails) { if(multiClientDetails.code === 200){ (clientData) { _profilesBag[clientData.client_fk] = clientData; }); } if(index+1 === profilesArray.length){ document.querySelectorAll("#ff_link") .forEach(function (buttonData, index, array) { checkVehicleData(buttonData); }); } }).catch(function (reason) { console.log('parsing failed', reason); }) }) } // include var checkVehicleData = function (buttonData) { var isDuplicateButton = _filterUnique[buttonData.getAttribute('ff_client')+'__'+buttonData.getAttribute('ff_vin')]; if(buttonData.getAttribute("ff_inline")) isDuplicateButton = false; if(!_allowDuplicates){ if(isDuplicateButton || buttonData.hasAttribute('verified')){ return false; } } buttonData.innerHTML = ""; var verifyDetails, ff_vin = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_vin") || '', ff_year = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_year") || '', ff_make = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_make") || '', ff_model = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_model") || '', ff_trim = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_trim") || '', ff_lp = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_lp") || '', ff_body_type = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_body_type") || '', clientKey = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_client") || ''; var ff_new_car = "&ff_year=" + ff_year + "&ff_make=" + ff_make + "&ff_model=" + ff_model + "&ff_trim=" + ff_trim + "&ff_body_type=" + ff_body_type + "&ff_lp=" + ff_lp; for (var key in _profilesBag) { if (_profilesBag.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if(_profilesBag[key].disp_spanish_btn === 1){ _showSpanishBtn = true; break; } } } verifyDetails = _verifyHostURL + "ff_verify_vin.php?vin=" + ff_vin + "&client_id=" + clientKey + ff_new_car + (_showSpanishBtn ? '&ff_spanish=1' : ''); fetchJsonp(verifyDetails, { timeout: 25000, }) .then(function (response) { return response.json() }).then(function (videoData) { if (videoData.code === 200) { generateDistplyItems(, buttonData); } else return false; }).catch(function (reason) { console.log('parsing failed', reason); }) _filterUnique[buttonData.getAttribute('ff_client')+'__'+buttonData.getAttribute('ff_vin')] = true; }; function isElementHidden(el) { return (el.offsetParent === null) } // check vehicle data(based on vin) -- ends // create and print buttons on the page -- starts var generateDistplyItems = function (videoData, buttonData) { // siteConfig if(siteConfig && document.querySelector(siteConfig.VDP.VDPIndicator) && _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].inline == 1) buttonData.setAttribute("ff_inline", 1); if(_profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].vid_call === 1){ if(_buttons_count === 1){ var videoCallFromName = videoData.veh_year +" "+ videoData.veh_make +" "+videoData.veh_model+" "+ videoData.veh_trim; videoCallFromName = encodeURIComponent(videoCallFromName); if(_profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].vid_call_html){ var createVideoWrapper = document.createElement('div'); createVideoWrapper.innerHTML = _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].vid_call_html; document.body.appendChild(createVideoWrapper); }else{ var cardTitle = "Have Questions?" || "Have Questions?"; var cardDesc = "Video Chat With Us Now And Get Real Answers, No Sales Pitch. No Pressure" ||"Video Chat With Us Now And Get Real Answers, No Sales Pitch. No Pressure" loadJSCSSFile("generate_video_call_card.js?externalCallEmbed=0&user_html_added=0&cardDesc="+cardDesc+"&cardTitle="+cardTitle+"&fromName="+videoCallFromName+"&roof_key="+_profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].client_fk, "js"); } } if(_buttons_count > 1 && _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].vid_call_img){ var vidCallBtn = document.createElement('img'); = "pointer"; vidCallBtn.src = _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].vid_call_img; buttonData.appendChild(vidCallBtn); var videoCallFromName = videoData.veh_year +" "+ videoData.veh_make +" "+videoData.veh_model+" "+ videoData.veh_trim; videoCallFromName = encodeURIComponent(videoCallFromName); var videoCallURL = ""+videoCallFromName+"&roof_key="+ _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].client_fk vidCallBtn.addEventListener('click', function () {; }) } } var disableAutoPlay = buttonData.getAttribute("disable_auto_play") || ''; var iframeElement, isLandingPage = Number(buttonData.getAttribute("ff_lp")) === 1 ? true : _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].lp === 1 ? true : false, checkInline = buttonData.getAttribute("ff_inline") || 0; if (Number(checkInline) === 1) { if (videoData.popup && videoData.popup.type === 2 || videoData.nv && videoData.nv.type === 2) window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); addJsonLdToHead(videoData.jsonLD); iframeElement = document.createElement("iframe"); iframeElement.frameBorder = 0; iframeElement.scrolling = "no"; iframeElement.setAttribute('allowFullScreen',''); iframeElement.src = videoData.popup.url + (Number(disableAutoPlay) === 1 ? 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"":"&full_screen=1"), fullscreen: ( === 1 && !isLandingPage) ? true : false, }); }); } // show nv button if (videoData.nv) { var _dislpay_nv_button = document.createElement("img"); _dislpay_nv_button.src = videoData.nv.button === "VT" ? _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].veh_test_img : _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].af_img; = "pointer"; _dislpay_nv_button.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); new ConModal({ width: videoData.nv ? videoData.nv.button === "AF" ? "90%" : 960 : 960, videoPage: videoData.nv.type, modalTitle: "Video", iframeUrl: videoData.nv.url + "&referer=" + _getRefDomain }); }); buttonData.appendChild(_dislpay_nv_button); } buttonData.setAttribute("verified", ""); }; var generateButton = function (videoData, buttonData, options, _button_image_path) { addJsonLdToHead(videoData.jsonLD); var createButton; createButton = document.createElement("img"); if(videoData.popup && videoData.popup.alt) { createButton.setAttribute("alt", videoData.popup.alt); createButton.setAttribute("title", videoData.popup.alt); } createButton.src = _button_image_path; = "pointer"; if(_profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].exclusive_btn){ createButton.src = _profilesBag[videoData.client_fk].exclusive_btn; } if (options) { if (options.buttonText) { createButton = document.createElement("span"); createButton.innerText = options.buttonText; } if (options.buttonCSS) { = options.buttonCSS; = "pointer"; } } if(siteConfig && document.querySelector(siteConfig.VLP.VLPIndicator) && siteConfig.VLP.buttonText){ createButton = document.createElement('a'); var flickFusionLink = document.createElement("div"); = siteConfig.VLP.buttonStyle; flickFusionLink.innerHTML = siteConfig.VLP.buttonText; createButton.appendChild(flickFusionLink); } if(siteConfig && document.querySelector(siteConfig.VDP.VDPIndicator) && siteConfig.VDP.buttonText){ createButton = document.createElement('a'); var flickFusionLink = document.createElement("div"); = siteConfig.VDP.buttonStyle; flickFusionLink.innerHTML = siteConfig.VDP.buttonText; createButton.appendChild(flickFusionLink); } return createButton; }; // Generate and Add Json Ld to header function addJsonLdToHead(data) { var uploadDate = data.uploadDate ? data.uploadDate : new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]; var jsonLdData = { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "name":, "description": data.description, "duration": CalcJsonLdDuration(data.duration), "contentUrl": data.contentUrl, "thumbnailUrl": data.thumbnailUrl, "uploadDate": uploadDate }; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var scriptTag = document.createElement("script"); scriptTag.setAttribute("type", "application/ld+json"); scriptTag.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(jsonLdData); head.appendChild(scriptTag); } // Video JSON LD for seo meta -- ends /* All Utility Methods used in the app */ var defaultOptions = { timeout: 25000, jsonpCallback: 'jsoncallback', jsonpCallbackFunction: null }; function generateCallbackFunction() { return 'jsonp_' + + '_' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000); } function clearFunction(functionName) { try { delete window[functionName]; } catch (e) { window[functionName] = undefined; } } function removeScript(scriptId) { var script = document.getElementById(scriptId); if (script) { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].removeChild(script); } } function fetchJsonp(_url) { var options = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1]; // to avoid param reassign var url = _url; var timeout = options.timeout || defaultOptions.timeout; var jsonpCallback = options.jsonpCallback || defaultOptions.jsonpCallback; var timeoutId = undefined; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var callbackFunction = options.jsonpCallbackFunction || generateCallbackFunction(); var scriptId = jsonpCallback + '_' + callbackFunction; window[callbackFunction] = function (response) { resolve({ ok: true, // keep consistent with fetch API json: function json() { return Promise.resolve(response); } }); if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); removeScript(scriptId); clearFunction(callbackFunction); }; // Check if the user set their own params, and if not add a ? to start a list of params url += url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&'; var jsonpScript = document.createElement('script'); jsonpScript.setAttribute('src', '' + url + jsonpCallback + '=' + callbackFunction); if (options.charset) { jsonpScript.setAttribute('charset', options.charset); } = scriptId; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jsonpScript); timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { reject(new Error('JSONP request to ' + _url + ' timed out')); clearFunction(callbackFunction); removeScript(scriptId); window[callbackFunction] = function () { clearFunction(callbackFunction); }; }, timeout); // Caught if got 404/500 jsonpScript.onerror = function () { reject(new Error('JSONP request to ' + _url + ' failed')); clearFunction(callbackFunction); removeScript(scriptId); if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); }; }); } // end function CalcJsonLdDuration(durationInSeconds) { durationInSeconds = Math.round(durationInSeconds / 60); var days = Math.floor(durationInSeconds / 1440); durationInSeconds = durationInSeconds - days * 1440; var hours = Math.floor(durationInSeconds / 60); durationInSeconds = durationInSeconds - hours * 60; var dur = "PT"; if (days > 0) { dur += days + "D"; } if (hours > 0) { dur += hours + "H"; } dur += durationInSeconds + "M"; return dur; } // Video JsonLd duration convertor ends. // Add height received from child iframe on inline embeds starts // window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); function receiveMessage(event) { if (event !== null && typeof event === "object") { if ( event.origin.indexOf("") > -1 && JSON.parse( == "no_modal" && document.getElementById("ff_link_iframe") ) { document.getElementById("ff_link_iframe").style.height = JSON.parse( + "px"; } } } // Add height received from child iframe on inline embeds ends // Filter polyfill if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function (func, thisArg) { 'use strict'; if (!((typeof func === 'Function' || typeof func === 'function') && this)) throw new TypeError(); var len = this.length >>> 0, res = new Array(len), // preallocate array t = this, c = 0, i = -1; 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